Wednesday, May 21, 2014

There IS something in my Right Temporal Lobe

My brain. The white spot the arrow points to is an abnormality in the right temporal lobe which is likely causing temporal lobe seizures. (Axial view mirrored. Pretend you are looking up at a slice of the brain taken with a camera viewpoint from the feet only everything is backwards.)

See? Shit. It's like having my own Big Foot sighting captured on film!

Maybe it doesn't look like much to you, not impressive enough, not big enough, not sexy enough but this story is about me, not you. Go get your own Big Foot.

I still have what may be seizures or a mix of ischemic events and migraines and seizures or who knows, at any rate it's a royal pain in the lobe.

There's other little anamolies lurking about it my brain but for now - get seizures under control, stop migraines, try not to have an aneurysm, spend good times with great people and live like a rockstar.

Do I know my brain or do I know my brain ? Here is a sketch of my headache area I drew on March 7th of this year: 
Note:MRI images are mirrored/backwards from normal view. 

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