Monday, February 15, 2016

Secret Depression Diary Archive - Hang In There Kitty

Seriously? My neurologist's office just left me a message at 8:30 AM letting me know they are "working on" getting that fax to Shared Solutions and that they have "called numerous times" and that "someone finally answered today so I got that fax to send back to them" and "I'm working on sending it back".Faxing - the esoteric art of not sending information between two businesses. Faxing - something that takes my neuro office an average of 52 days to complete, a record average that is being blown out of the water with this Shared Solutions fax and my request for medical records which have been drifting in the ether for 66 days. Yes, yes I do track everything. Seriously. I almost want to call them back and congratulate them on taking longer "working on" this than it takes for cat gestation - dudes you took so long I could have adopted a pregnant stray and had kittens by now. Hell, it's been 66 days, at this point leaving me a message saying you are "working on" something is not helpful. It makes me feel embarrassed for the office admins who work in that horribly mismanaged medical office.Anyhow, it's only Tuesday. Paws crossed for everyone to have good days and remember to hang in there kitty! posted 7 months ago

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